About us

PreOrderReviews.com is a free platform enabling you to examine the product or service before you place an order. PreOrderReviews offers advice from thousands of users already experienced the product or service you are going to order and help you make the perfect decision.

PreOrderReviews.com has made thousands of products and services available online for you to browse, compare and order through industry’s most reputable and reliable suppliers.


We only display products or services and remain impartial. All comments, reviews and feedbacks are posted directly by the users community that used and experienced the product or service. We try to filter out bogus and fake reviews and feedback postings as much as possible. We make no guarantee on the authority and genuineness of the posted comment or review. You have to decide it yourself.


PreOrderReviews.com is an organization believes in Charity and to help others specially less privileged for food, education, clothing, employment, shelter and other basic necessities of life. By using and promoting this site you are also contributing to this great cause in many ways.